
on 2015年1月7日 星期三
聖經閱讀:羅馬書5:1-11 現代中譯本|合和本

恩典是什麼?  有人說,所謂的「恩典」是恩待那些不配得到恩惠的人,如果有人傷害你,你可藉著原諒那個人來施恩於他。
 上帝是完美無暇的,祂不可能犯罪。所以,只有上帝可以將人從罪裡拯救出來。今天經文的第9a節告訴我們,「由於他的死,我們現在得以跟上帝有合宜的關係。」今天就感謝上帝賜下祂的美好恩典! -MK
「我們的主賜給我格外的恩典」 提摩太前書1:14a

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What is Grace?
Bible Reading: Romans 5:1-11
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

What is Grace?  Some people say that grace is showing kindness to someone who does not deserve kindness. If a person hurts you, you can show grace by forgiving that person.
 How does God show grace to us? Every person has sinned. And because we have all sinned, no person can save himself or any other person from sin.
 Imagine that you do not know how to swim, but you fall into deep water. You begin to drown. Now imagine that there is another person who also cannot swim, and he is in deep water with you. He is drowning, too. You cannot save him, and he cannot save you. You both need someone who can swim to save you. Or else, you need someone who is not in the water to throw you a rope to grab onto. Then you can be pulled out of the water.
 God is perfect. He cannot sin. So, only God can save people from sin. Verse 9a of our Bible Reading tells us that we “have been made right with God by the blood sacrifice of Christ.” Thank God today for His wonderful grace! —MK
“But our Lord gave me a full measure of his grace.” 1 Timothy 1:14a
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Jesus, Who saves me. In His name. Amen.

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