
on 2014年9月9日 星期二
聖經閱讀:以弗所書5:21-30 現代中譯本|合和本

教會  上帝呼召每一個基督徒來事奉祂,上帝賜給我們每一個人能力,好讓祂可以發展祂的教會。上帝期待我們一起同工來傳揚耶穌的福音。
 你目前在教會做什麼呢?你有分享你的恩賜嗎?你有服事並幫助其他基督徒嗎?就藉著在教會的服事來表現你對耶穌的愛和尊敬。 —DVH*
「好像基督愛教會,為教會捨命一樣。他這樣做是要藉著他的話、用水來潔淨教會。」 以弗所書5:25b-26

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The Church
Bible Reading: Ephesians 5:21-30
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Church  God calls every Christian to serve Him. God gives each of us abilities so that He can grow His church. God expects us to work together to spread the Good News about Jesus.
 In our Bible verses today, Paul compares the church to marriage. Verse 27 talks about this. “Christ died so that he could give the church to himself like a bride in all her beauty. He died so that the church could be holy and without fault, with no evil or sin or any other thing wrong with it.”
 If the church is to be holy and without sin, we need to do some things. Verse 21 says that we should serve each other. And in verse 29 Paul says that we should take care of each other.
 What are you doing in the church? Are you sharing your talents? Are you serving and helping other Christians? Show your love and respect for Jesus by serving His church. —DVH*
“Christ loved the church and gave his life for it. He died to make the church holy. He used the telling of the Good News to make the church clean by washing it with water.” Ephesians 5:25b-26
PRAYER: Dear Father, thank You for Jesus’ body, the church. In His name. Amen.

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