跟保羅一起旅行 (6)

on 2014年9月6日 星期六
跟保羅一起旅行 (6)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳16:16-34 現代中譯本|合和本

跟保羅一起旅行 (6)  另外一個跟保羅一起旅行的人是西拉,使徒行傳15:22告訴我們,西拉是「一向為信徒們所尊重」的人。
 也許你今天會有一些困難,你會抱怨或感到自憐嗎?或者,你會像保羅和西拉一樣唱詩頌讚上帝呢? —JK
「他和全家滿有喜樂,因為他們都信了上帝。」 使徒行傳16:34b

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Traveling with Paul (6)
Bible Reading: Acts 16:16-34
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Traveling with Paul (6)  Another person who traveled with Paul was Silas. Acts 15:22 tells us that Silas was a man “respected by the believers.”
 Our Bible Reading talks about a time when Paul and Silas were in the city of Philippi. While they were in Philippi, they met a servant girl. She had a spirit from the devil that helped her “tell what would happen in the future” (verse 16). Paul commanded the evil spirit to leave the girl. The men who owned the girl were upset “because they could no longer use her to make money” (verse 19). So Paul and Silas were thrown into jail.
 What did Paul and Silas do in jail? Did they complain about their situation? No! “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing songs to God” (verse 25a). God sent an earthquake to free Paul and Silas from jail. Then they were able to tell the jailer and his family about Jesus.
 Maybe you will have problems today. Will you complain and feel sorry for yourself? Or, will you sing and praise God like Paul and Silas did? —JK
“All the people were happy because they now believed in God.” Acts 16:34b
PRAYER: Dear Father, help me to praise You when I face difficult situations. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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