跟保羅一起旅行 (2)

on 2014年9月2日 星期二
跟保羅一起旅行 (2)
聖經閱讀:提摩太後書4:11-18 現代中譯本|合和本

跟保羅一起旅行 (2)  有一個人好幾次被提到跟保羅一起旅行,這個人是路加。歌羅羅西書4:14告訴我們路加是一個醫生。
 今天你也可以像路加一樣,去鼓勵並幫助你的基督徒朋友,同時也不忘記為他們禱告! —JK
「因此,你們要互相鼓勵,彼此幫助,像你們現在所做的一樣。」 帖撒羅尼迦前書5:11

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Traveling with Paul (2)
Bible Reading: 2 Timothy 4:11-18
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Traveling with Paul (2)  One man who is mentioned several times as a person who traveled with Paul is Luke. Colossians 4:14 tells us that Luke was a doctor.
 Luke also wrote the New Testament books of Luke and Acts. There are several sections in the book of Acts where Luke uses the pronoun “we.” This shows us that at those times Luke was traveling with Paul. Acts 16:10 says, “After Paul had seen the vision, we immediately prepared to leave for Macedonia. We understood that God called us to tell the Good News to those people.”
 In our Bible Reading today, Paul wrote to Timothy. Paul wanted Timothy to come help him. In verse 11 Paul says, “Luke is the only one still with me.” This shows us that Luke was Paul’s good friend. Luke faithfully obeyed God and helped Paul tell people about Jesus.
 You can be like Luke today. Encourage and help your Christian friends. And don’t forget to pray for them, too! —JK
“So encourage each other and help each other grow stronger in faith, just as you are already doing.”1 Thessalonians 5:11
PRAYER: Father, thank You for my Christian friends. Show me how I can encourage them to stay close to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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