
on 2014年8月4日 星期一
聖經閱讀:出埃及記20:1-17 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝的命令  在今天的經文中,我們找到一些上帝賜給祂的子民以色列人的命令,這些命令有時被稱作「十誡」。上帝賜給祂的子民很多其他的命令,但是這裡的命令為平日的生活提供了實際的勸告。
 要研讀、學習並遵守上帝的命令。當你服事上帝時,祂就會祝福你。 —MH*
「以色列人哪,你們必須遵行上主─你們上帝的一切命令,不可忽略任何一條;要全部遵行。」 申命記5:32-33a

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God's Commands
Bible Reading: Exodus 20:1-17
Monday, August 4, 2014

God's Commands  In our Bible Reading today, we find some commands that God gave to His people, the Israelites. These commands are sometimes called the “Ten Commandments.” God gave His people many more commands, but these commands give practical advice for everyday living.
 Some Christians wonder why they should pay attention to these commands that were given to the Israelites. We should obey these commands because they will help us to be closer to God and to have good relationships with other people.
 In the New Testament, Jesus mentioned these commands. When the devil tempted Jesus three times (Matthew 4:10), He answered the devil by saying, “You must worship the Lord your God. Serve only him!”
 Study, learn and obey God’s commands. God will bless you as you serve Him. —MH*
“So you people must be careful to do everything the Lord commanded you. Do not stop following God! You must live the way the Lord your God commanded you.” Deuteronomy 5:32-33a
PRAYER: God, show me how I can serve You and obey Your commands. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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