上帝的計畫 (1)

on 2014年8月28日 星期四
上帝的計畫 (1)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳1:6-8 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝的計畫 (1)  使徒行傳跟我們談到上帝教會的開始和成長。從一開始,上帝就為教會預備了一個特定的計劃。
 上帝希望你也成為一個見證人去向人傳講耶穌,而你會從哪裡開始呢?你也許不住在耶路撒冷,但你一定住在某一個城巿或鄉鎮。就從住在你四周的人開始,今天找個機會去向你的鄰居分享上帝的愛。 —JK
「頌讚上帝,跟人人保持和睦的關係。主天天把得救的人數加給他們。」 使徒行傳2:47

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God's Plan (1)
Bible Reading: Acts 1:6-8
Thursday, August 28, 2014

God's Plan (1)  The book of Acts tells us about the start and the growth of God's church. From the beginning, God had a specific plan for His church.
 In our Bible Reading today, Jesus shared that plan with the apostles. Jesus told those men that they would be witnesses who would tell other people about Him. “You will tell people everywhere about me — in Jerusalem, in the rest of Judea, in Samaria, and in every part of the world” (verse 8b).
 God's plan for the church started in the city of Jerusalem. “Those who accepted what Peter said were baptized. On that day about 3000 people were added to the group of believers” (Acts 2:41).
 God wants you to be a witness and tell other people about Jesus, too. Where do you start? You may not live in Jerusalem, but you do live in some town or city. Start with the people who live around you. Look for an opportunity today to share God's love with a neighbor. —JK
“The believers praised God and were respected by all the people. More and more people were being saved every day, and the Lord was adding them to their group.” Acts 2:47
PRAYER: God, show me someone who needs to know about Your love today. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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