上帝的計畫 (2)

on 2014年8月29日 星期五
上帝的計畫 (2)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳8:1-4 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝的計畫 (2)  在使徒行傳第六和第七章中,我們認識了一個名叫司提反的人。司提反宣講耶穌的福音,但有一些人不接受他的信息,他們對司提反是如此生氣以致於用石頭打死他。
 也許你可以向住在外地的人分享耶穌的福音,就求上帝帶領你去找那些需要認識祂奇妙救恩禮物的人。 —JK
「那些分散的信徒到各地傳福音。」 使徒行傳8:4

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God's Plan (2)
Bible Reading: Acts 8:1-4
Friday, August 29, 2014

God's Plan (2)  In chapters 6 and 7 of Acts we learn about a man named Stephen. Stephen preached about Jesus. But some people did not accept his message. They became so angry with Stephen that they stoned him to death.
 Our Bible Reading tells us that after Stephen was killed, some Jews began to do bad things to Christians in Jerusalem. These Jews “went into their houses, dragged out men and women, and put them in jail. All the believers left Jerusalem. Only the apostles stayed. The believers went to different places in Judea and Samaria” (verses 2 and 3).
 Judea was the area surrounding Jerusalem. When this persecution started, many Christians moved out of Jerusalem to other places in Judea. Wherever these people moved, they shared the Good News about Jesus. In that way, the church spread outside of Jerusalem.
 Maybe you can share Jesus with people outside the town where you live. Ask God to lead you to people who need to know about His wonderful gift of salvation. —JK
“They were scattered everywhere, and in every place they went, they told people about the Good News.” Acts 8:4
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank You for salvation. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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