
on 2014年8月12日 星期二
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳18:18-28 現代中譯本|合和本

專注於耶穌  現今我們的世界裡,很多人認為他們知道如何成為幸福又滿足的人。有些人說,我們應該要隨時保持健康或是去賺很多的錢,有些人鼓勵我們去追求自己的夢想並且去做我們想做的事,其他人則告訴我們,制訂好的法律會讓我們過得幸福。
 今天就專注於耶穌,研讀聖經裡耶穌的生命,並學習如何取悅上帝,祂會幫助你站立得穩並做對的事情。 —SH*
「他在主所指示的道路上面,已經受過相當的訓練,而且心中火熱,常常把耶穌的事正確地向人講解。」 使徒行傳18:25a

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Focus on Jesus
Bible Reading: Acts 18:18-28
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Focus on Jesus  In our world today, many people think they know how we can be happy and satisfied. Some say that we should be healthy all the time or make lots of money. Some encourage us to follow our dreams and do what we want to do. And other people tell us that making good laws will make us happy.
 Our Bible Reading tells us about two men, Paul and Apollos. These men knew the secret to true happiness and satisfaction. Paul and Apollos preached about Jesus. Verse 28b says that Apollos “used the Scriptures and showed that Jesus is the Messiah.”
 If we search for good health, lots of money or good laws, we are not focusing on the right thing. We need to focus on Jesus and what He did for us. Then we will receive His peace and direction.
 Focus on Jesus today. Study His life in the Bible and learn how you can please God. He will help you stand strong and do what is right. —SH*
“He had been taught about the Lord and was always excited to talk to people about Jesus.” Acts 18:25a
PRAYER: Dear God, I want to focus on Jesus and share Him with other people. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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