
on 2014年8月11日 星期一
聖經閱讀:出埃及記32:15-28 現代中譯本|合和本

單單敬拜上帝  今天的經文告訴我們,摩西到山上跟上帝交談。摩西擁有一段美好的時光來聆聽上帝的話語並且跟祂學習。
「摩西把人民鑄造的牛拿過來,鎔化了,磨成粉末,撒在水上,然後叫以色列人喝。」 出埃及記32:20

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Worship Only God
Bible Reading: Exodus 32:15-28
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Worship Only God  Our Bible Reading tells us that Moses had been up on the mountain talking with God. Moses had a wonderful time listening to God and learning from Him.
 But when Moses arrived at the Israelite camp, he heard music and celebrating. The Israelites were worshiping a golden calf. Instead of worshiping God, they were bowing down to an idol. “When Moses came near the camp, he saw the golden calf and the people dancing” (verse 19a). Moses destroyed the golden calf and punished the people.
 Think about our world today. Most people do not worship a golden calf. But they do worship other idols. People worship their money, their houses, their cars or even their family members. Anytime we make something more important than God, we are worshiping that thing.
 Be careful today to make God the most important thing in your life. Remember to worship only Him! —NM
“Then Moses destroyed the golden calf that the people had made. He melted it in the fire. Then he ground the gold until it became dust and threw it into the water. Then he forced the Israelites to drink that water.” Exodus 32:20
PRAYER: God, I want to worship only You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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