
on 2014年8月2日 星期六
聖經閱讀:創世記7:1-5 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝滿有智慧  上帝計畫降下洪水使「地上的一切都要滅絕」(創世記6:17b)。上帝吩咐挪亞造一艘船,祂並告訴挪亞把家人和一些動物帶進船裡。洪水過後,挪亞的家人和這些動物繼續繁衍並再一次佈滿大地。
 上帝,因著祢滿有智慧和創造力,謝謝祢! —ED*
「我們無從了解他所做的大事;他奇異的作為無窮無盡。」 約伯記5:9

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God is Wise
Bible Reading: Genesis 7:1-5
Saturday, August 2, 2014

God is Wise  God planned to send a flood to destroy “all living things that live under heaven” (Genesis 6:17b). God told Noah to build a boat. He also told Noah to bring his family and some animals into the boat. After the flood, Noah’s family and these animals reproduced and filled the earth again.
 God is very wise. He made all animals to belong to families. For example, a German shepherd belongs to the dog family and a chimpanzee belongs to the ape family. The animals on earth today are descended from the animals who came out of the boat that Noah built. Scientists can study the DNA of these animals and know which family they come from.
 Although animals from the same family are alike in many ways, each animal is unique, too. God is very wise. He gave us a wide variety of animals to use and enjoy on earth.
 Thank You, God, for being so wise and creative! —ED*
“People cannot understand the wonderful things God does. His miracles are too many to count.” Job 5:9
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank You for all the wonderful things You have created for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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