
on 2013年10月7日 星期一
聖經閱讀:歌羅西書4:2-6 現代中譯本|合和本

為上帝善用時間  在生活中,有時候事事順利,但有時候我們會遇到挫折。在挫折的期間,我們也許會生氣、會煩躁。在我的生活中有一個實際的例子,就是當我開車去上班時,若遇到一個又接著一個的紅燈,每看到一個綠燈轉為紅燈時,我就會越來越緊張和生氣。這並不是上帝希望我過的生活。
「你們跟非信徒來往要有智慧,要把握機會。講話要溫和風趣。」 歌羅西書4:5-6a

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Use Your Time for God
Bible Reading: Colossians 4:2-6
Monday, October 7, 2013

Use Your Time for God  Sometimes things go smoothly in our lives. But other times we face frustrations. During those times we may become upset and impatient. An example in my life is when I am driving to work and I hit one red light after another. I become more tense and upset as I see each green traffic light turn red. That’s not how God wants me to live.
 When I face upsetting circumstances, I try to turn them around and use them for good. As verse 5b of our Bible Reading says, “Use your time in the best way you can.” Now when I am stopped at a red light, I use that time to pray.
 If my commute to work is long, that just gives me more time to sing and praise God. If I have a problem with another person, that gives me a chance to be patient and show them God’s grace.
 Instead of becoming upset with your circumstances today, use your time to praise God and serve others. —BL
“Be wise in the way you act with those who are not believers...When you talk, you should always be kind and wise.” Colossians 4:5-6a
PRAYER: Dear God, I want to use my time for You today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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