上帝的臉 (3)

on 2013年10月30日 星期三
上帝的臉 (3)
聖經閱讀:申命記31:14-18 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝的臉 (3)  今天的經文中,上帝告訴摩西以色列民將違背祂並且敬拜假神。摩西已經帶領以色列民很多年了,他必定很傷心知道上帝的子民會背離祂。
 也許你知道有人已經違背了上帝,今天就為這個人禱告,幫助他們回到事奉上帝的生活。 —DF
「許多災難要臨到他們身上,他們就知道這是因為我─他們的上帝不再與他們同在。那時,我不幫助他們;因為他們行邪惡的事,去拜別的神明。」 申命記 31:17b-18

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God’s Face (3)
Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 31:14-18
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

God’s Face (3)  In our Bible verses today, God told Moses that the Israelites would rebel against Him and worship false gods. Moses led the Israelites for many years. He must have felt sad to know that God’s people would turn away from Him.
 In verse 17, God said that He would leave the Israelites and refuse to help them. Several other Bible translations say that God would “hide His face” from the Israelites.
 Why would God hide His face from His people? God will turn away from us if we are sinful and rebellious. If we turn away from God and stubbornly refuse to worship Him, He will hide His face from us. But remember that God always loves us and waits patiently for us to return to Him.
 Maybe you know some person who has rebelled against God. Pray for that person today. Help them come back to a life of serving God. —DF
“Then they will say, ‘These bad things happened to us because our God is not with us.’ And I will refuse to help them because they have done evil and worshiped other gods.” Deuteronomy 31:17b-18
PRAYER: God, I want to follow and serve You every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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