
on 2013年10月5日 星期六
聖經閱讀:約翰福音15:9-17 現代中譯本|合和本

最偉大的愛  我聽過一個故事,說有一對雙胞胎兄弟共乘一部車,其中一人有駕駛執照,而另一人沒有。當在開車時,他們發生了嚴重的車禍。
 當耶穌為我們死的時候,祂讓我們看見那偉大的愛。我們也必須讓今天所遇見的每一個人看見祂的愛。 —SAH
「你們要彼此相愛,像我愛你們一樣;這是我的命令。你們要彼此相愛;這就是我給你們的命令。」 約翰福音15:12, 17

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Greatest Love
Bible Reading: John 15:9-17
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Greatest Love  I heard a story about twin brothers who were in a car. One brother had a driver’s license. The other brother did not have a license. They were involved in a bad accident while driving.
 The brother without the license was driving when the accident happened. In that country, he could be sent to prison for a long time for driving without a license. So the brothers switched places. The brother who had the license was willing to accept the punishment for what his brother did wrong.
 I don’t know if that story is true, but our Bible verses for today are true! Verse 13 says, “The greatest love people can show is to die for their friends.” Jesus died on the cross for us. He traded places with us and accepted the punishment for our sins.
 Jesus showed us the greatest love when He died for us. We need to show His love to everyone we meet today. —SAH
“This is what I command you: Love each other as I have loved you. This is my command: Love each other.” John 15:12,17
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, help me love other people in the same way Jesus loves me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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