
on 2013年8月22日 星期四
聖經閱讀:申命記33:26-29 現代中譯本|合和本

避難所  也許你曾在電視上看過一則這樣的新聞,說有一棟建築正在失火,一名女子被困在三樓裡。當這名女子靠在窗邊大聲呼救時,屋子裡正竄出濃濃黑煙,下面的消防隊員則展開一張救生網,如此這名女子就可以安全地跳下來。
 今天,上帝正等著成為你的避難所,就讓祂以慈愛、安慰、憐憫,和平安來祝福你。 —BL
「你是上主拯救的國家,誰比得上你?上主是你的盾牌、刀劍;他衛護你,使你得勝。你的敵人要向你投降;你要把他們踐踏在腳下。」 申命記33:29b

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Place of Safety
Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 33:26-29
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Place of Safety  Maybe you saw a news story on TV. A building was burning and a woman was trapped on the third floor. Thick black smoke poured out of the building as the screaming woman leaned out a window. Down below, the firemen held a large net so the woman could jump and be safe.
 The world today is like a burning building. People are trapped in their sins. They don’t know what to do. They don’t know how they can be safe. But verse 27a of our Bible Reading gives these people hope. “God lives forever. He is your place of safety.”
 The only way we can truly be safe is to turn to God. We can talk with Him through prayer. We can learn about God by reading the Bible. And He can bless us through our fellowship with other Christians.
 God is waiting to be your safe place today. Let Him show you His love, comfort, mercy and peace. —BL
“The Lord saved you. He is like a strong shield protecting you. He is like a powerful sword. Your enemies will be afraid of you, and you will put your foot on their backs!” Deuteronomy 33:29b
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I need You to be my place of safety. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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