
on 2013年5月28日 星期二
聖經閱讀:詩篇86:1-17 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝的看顧  我的媽媽現在已經87歲了。幾年前,她的雙耳失去了聽力,她並沒有戴助聽器,但最近她卻告訴我和家人,說她每天都聽到一個男聲合唱團在唱老詩歌「前進!基督精兵」。
「求你顧念我,憐憫我;求你賜力量給我,拯救我,因為我像我母親那樣侍奉你。」 詩篇86:16a

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God’s Care
Bible Reading: Psalm 86:1-17
Tuesday May 28, 2013

God’s Care  My mother is now 87 years old. Several years ago, she lost hearing in both of her ears. She does not wear hearing aids. But recently she told me and my family that every day she heard a men’s choir sing the old hymn, “Onward, Christian Soldiers.”
 Shortly after that, my mother became ill and was in the hospital. Many Christians visited her and prayed for her. After this, my mother realized that the music she heard and her Christian friends were signs that God cared for her.
 Our Bible Reading today is a prayer of David. People were attacking David. He wanted to know that God still loved him. In verse 17a, David said, “Lord, show me a sign that you care for me.”
 Sometimes we may face sickness, family problems, financial problems, or death. We may feel very discouraged and alone. During those hard times, we can know that God is with us and cares for us.
 Don’t forget that God cares for you today! —AS
“Show me that you hear me and be kind to me. I am your servant, so give me strength.” Psalm 86:16a
PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for showing us every day that You care for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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