盼望 (4)

on 2013年5月4日 星期六
盼望 (4)
聖經閱讀:提多書2:11-15 現代中譯本|合和本

盼望 (4)  我喜愛這樣定義「盼望」——「用渴望和信心來期待。」身為基督徒,什麼是我們可以期待的呢?我們期待能在天堂和耶穌共享永生,並且我們可以用極大的渴望和信心來期待!
 首先,你要相信耶穌是你的主、是你個人的拯救者 (馬可福音16:16)。第二,要從你所有的罪中悔改 (使徒行傳2:38)。第三,要承認、或是去告訴別人你相信耶穌並且想要跟從祂 (羅馬書10:9-10)。第四,要藉由受洗和基督一起被埋葬、一起在新生命裡復活 (羅馬書6:17)。最後,要對祂忠心 (啟示錄2:10)。
 你對天堂有盼望嗎?如果沒有,今天就跟從耶穌。如果你盼望能進天堂,那麼今天就去跟別人分享耶穌的福音。 —CPE*
「等待我們所盼望那蒙恩的日子來臨;那時候,至尊的上帝和我們的救主耶穌基督的榮耀要顯現。」 提多書2:13

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Hope (4)
Bible Reading: Titus 2:11-15
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Hope (4)  I love this definition for hope — “to look forward to with desire and confidence.” What do we, as Christians, have to look forward to? We look forward to eternal life in heaven with Jesus. And we can look forward with great desire and confidence!
 How can you look forward with great desire and confidence? The Bible tells us clearly how we can look forward to and be assured of going to heaven.
 First, believe in Jesus as your Lord and personal Savior (Mark 16:16). Second, repent of all your sins (Acts 2:38). Third, confess, or tell, others that you believe and want to follow Jesus (Romans 10:9-10). Fourth, be buried and raised up in new life with Christ through water baptism (Romans 6:1-7). Finally, be faithful to Him (Revelation 2:10).
 Are you looking forward to heaven? If not, follow Jesus today. If you are looking forward to heaven, then share the Good News about Jesus with others today. —CPE*
“We should live like that while we are waiting for the coming of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. He is our great hope and he will come with glory.” Titus 2:13
PRAYER: Dear God, I look forward with great desire to being with You forever. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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