使壞變好 (4)

on 2016年1月4日 星期一
使壞變好 (4)
聖經閱讀:哥林多後書 11:24-33 現代中譯本|合和本

使徒行傳第28章告訴我們,保羅被帶到羅馬並被下到監牢裡,這是一件不幸的事,但是,上帝再一次從這個經歷引發了美事。雖然保羅被下到監牢,但他被容許住到另外一個房子, 「凡來訪問的人,他都接待。他大膽地宣揚上帝國的信息,教導有關主耶穌基督的事,沒有受到甚麼阻礙」(使徒行傳28:30b-31)。

今天就花點時間想一想自己生命中發生的美事,懇求上帝幫助你大膽向人傳講耶穌的事。 —JK

「我為了福音的緣故做這些事,目的是在跟別人分享福音的好處。」 哥林多前書9:23

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Good from Bad (4)
Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 11:24-33
Monday, January 4, 2016

Paul traveled, started churches and encouraged Christians. But as Paul traveled, he also faced many bad times.
In our Bible verses today, Paul listed some of the bad things that happened to him — beatings, shipwrecks, prison and dangerous situations. Even though Paul faced these bad things, his ministry helped many people know about Jesus.
Acts, chapter 28, tells us that Paul was taken to Rome and put in prison. That was a bad thing. But again, God brought about good things from this experience. Even though Paul was in prison, he was allowed to stay in a house. “He welcomed all the people who came and visited him. He told them about God's kingdom and taught them about the Lord Jesus Christ. He was very bold, and no one tried to stop him from speaking” (Acts 28:30b-31).
Take time today to think about the good things that have happened in your life. Ask God to help you be bold as you tell others about Jesus. —JK

“I do all this to make the Good News known. I do it so that I can share in the blessings of the Good News.” 1 Corinthians 9:23
PRAYER: Father, I want to tell others about You and Jesus. In His name. Amen.

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