讚美上帝 (4)

on 2015年11月25日 星期三
讚美上帝 (4)
聖經閱讀:創世記1:1-31 現代中譯本|合和本

讚美上帝 (4)  每一天在我們的四周都可看見上帝的創造,今天閱讀的經文告訴我們,上帝為我們創造了這個世界。上帝也造人,上帝創造了你和我,這使我們成為特別的人!
 當我們思想這一個感謝上帝的季節時,請一定要花點時間來看看你的四周,細察上帝創造的美妙事物,然後為祂所成就的獻上讚美和感謝。 —CW*
「上主以大能創造大地;他以智慧建立世界,以聰明展開天空。」 耶利米書10:12

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Praise God (4)
Bible Reading: Genesis 1:1-31
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Praise God (4)  Each day we see things around us that God has made. Our Bible verses tell us about God making the world for us. God made people, too. God made you and me. That makes us special!
 Often in the summer, people go on vacations. Sometimes they travel to new places. These people see many different things God has made: mountains, forests, oceans, lakes and deserts.
 But we do not need to travel to see what God has made. We can look at the clouds, the sun, the moon and the stars. We see these things every day. We can also see flowers and trees that God has made. And God makes different kinds of weather that show us His power — rain, tornadoes, hurricanes, snow, sunshine.
 As you think about this season of giving thanks to God, be sure to take time to look around you. Notice the wonderful things that God has made. Then praise and thank Him for what He has done! —CW*
“God is the one who used his power and made the earth. He used his wisdom and built the world. With his understanding he stretched the sky over the earth.” Jeremiah 10:12
PRAYER: Lord, we thank You and praise You for the world You made for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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