
on 2015年7月18日 星期六
聖經閱讀:詩篇13:1-6 現代中譯本|合和本

尋寶  我為女兒辦了一個慶生會,我把裝在盒子裡的獎品四處藏在院子裡,然後發給每一個孩子一張地圖,上面用「X」標示出獎品藏的位置。有一些孩子開始抱怨,很快就放棄了;有一些孩子雖然找到了盒子,但卻沒有打開來找到獎品;而有一些孩子打開了盒子、也找到了獎品。
 今天上帝已經為你預備了上好的福分,你要信靠祂、讚美祂! -BL
「你會指示我生命的道路。在你面前,我滿有喜樂;在你身邊,我有永遠的幸福」 詩篇16:11

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Treasure Hunt
Bible Reading: Psalm 13:1-6
Saturday, July 18, 2015

Treasure Hunt  I had a birthday party for my daughters. I hid prizes in boxes around the yard. Then I gave each child a map with an “X” to show where their prize was hidden. Some children started complaining and gave up very quickly. Others found their box but did not open it to find the prize. And some children opened their box and discovered the prize.
 The writer of Psalm 13 was like these children. He begins by complaining that God has forgotten him. Then in verse 5 the writer says that he trusts God. He ends the psalm by praising God. “Then I will sing to the Lord because he was so good to me.”
 Think about your life. When you face troubles, do you just complain and blame God for what is happening to you? Or do you remember how God has taken care of you in the past and continue to depend on Him?
 God has good things planned for you today. Trust Him and praise Him! —BL
“You will teach me the right way to live. Just being with you will bring complete happiness. Being at your right side will make me happy forever.” Psalm 16:11
PRAYER: Lord, I am so happy to know that You are always with me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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