
on 2015年7月12日 星期日
聖經閱讀:列王紀上17:1-6 現代中譯本|合和本

倚靠上帝  以利亞是一個愛上帝、遵從上帝的人,他以先知的身分服事上帝。以利亞為上帝做了許多令人興奮的事--傳遞上帝的信息給君王、對付敵軍、挑戰假先知、讓人起死回生、呼天降火,以及分開約旦河。
 我們每天倚靠上帝來看顧自己是一件非常重要的事,今天你有倚靠上帝嗎? -BL
「要親自體驗上主的美善; 投靠他的人多麼有福啊!」 詩篇34:8

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Depend on God
Bible Reading: 1 Kings 17:1-6
Sunday, July 12, 2015

Depend on God  Elijah was a person who loved and obeyed God. He served God as a prophet. Elijah did many exciting things for God — gave God’s messages to kings, faced enemy armies, challenged false prophets, raised people from the dead, called down fire from heaven and parted the Jordan River.
 When God told Elijah to do something, he obeyed. In our Bible Reading today, we learn that God punished the Israelites by stopping the rain. “I promise that no dew or rain will fall for the next few years. The rain will fall only when I command it to fall” (verse 1b).
 Then God told Elijah to go to a place near the Jordan River. Elijah got water from a small stream. God commanded ravens to bring food to Elijah. In this place, Elijah was completely dependent on God.
 It is very important for us to rely on God to take care of us every day. Are you depending on Him today? —BL
“Give the Lord a chance to show you how good he is. Great blessings belong to those who depend on him!” Psalm 34:8
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I know that You will take care of me. I want to depend on You every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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