
on 2015年7月16日 星期四
聖經閱讀:約書亞記23:6-8 現代中譯本|合和本

跟隨上帝  在今天閱讀的經文中,約書亞鼓勵以色列人要一直跟隨上帝。那些住在以色列人附近的人並沒有跟隨上帝,他們膜拜假神和偶像,而約書亞不希望上帝的子民事奉並去敬拜別的神。
 今天請記住約書亞的命令和保羅的話,你要小心、不要忘記了上帝,要單單遵從祂、敬拜祂。 -MC*
「你們到現在一直忠於上主─你們的上帝;你們要繼續對他忠心。」 約書亞記23:8

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Follow God
Bible Reading: Joshua 23:6-8
Thursday, July 16, 2015

Follow God  In our Bible verses today, Joshua encouraged the Israelites to continue following God. The people who lived near the Israelites did not follow God. They worshiped false gods and idols. Joshua didn't want God's people to serve and worship other gods.
 You probably know many people who are not Christians. It is good for you to be their friend and show them God's love. But be careful that they do not influence you to stop worshiping God.
 The Christians who lived in the city of Corinth were surrounded by people who worshiped false gods. Paul told them in 2 Corinthians 6:14, “You are not the same as those who don't believe. So don't join yourselves to them. Good and evil don't belong together. Light and darkness cannot share the same room.”
 Remember Joshua's command and Paul's words today. Be careful that you don't forget God. Obey and worship only Him. —MC*
“You must continue to follow the Lord your God. You have done this in the past, and you must continue to do it.” Joshua 23:8
PRAYER: Father, help me to be wise and to obey You today. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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