
on 2013年3月25日 星期一
聖經閱讀:哥林多後書12:1-10 現代中譯本|合和本

受苦與剛強  今天,我們經常會讀到一些人有「瀕死經驗」的消息,這些人說,他們感受到上帝用一種無法解釋的方式與他們同在,而這些經歷用令人驚訝的方式改變了人們的生命。
 上帝原本可以選擇醫治我身上的傷,但祂沒有,就像保羅被賜予「一根刺」(第7節) 的痛苦,同樣的痛苦讓我不敢驕傲並教導我不倚靠自己的力量。
 沒有人會喜歡遇到問題和受苦,但是就在這段痛苦的時間裡,我們確實學會倚靠上帝。你是軟弱的嗎?那麼就歡呼吧!然後學像保羅說:「我樂意忍受軟弱、侮慢、困苦、艱難,和迫害;因為我甚麼時候軟弱,甚麼時候就剛強。」(第10b節) —JKS
「他卻回答我:『你只要我的恩典就夠了;因為我的能力在你軟弱的時候顯得最剛強。』」 哥林多後書12:9a

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Suffering and Strength
Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 12:1-10
Monday, March 25, 2013

Suffering and Strength  Today we often read about people who have “near death” experiences. These people say that they felt God’s presence in ways they can’t explain. These experiences change people’s lives in amazing ways.
 I had a similar experience after a serious car accident thirty years ago. Back then people did not talk about these experiences. After I read about Paul’s experience in today’s Bible Reading, I finally understood what had happened to me.
 God could have chosen to heal me from my injuries, but He did not. Like Paul, I was given a “painful problem” (verse 7) and suffering. This suffering has kept me from becoming proud and taught me that I can’t depend on my own strength.
 No one enjoys problems and suffering. But it is during those times that we really rely on God. Are you weak? Then rejoice! And like Paul, learn to say, “I am glad when I am persecuted and have problems, because it is when I am weak that I am really strong” (verse 10b). —JKS
“But the Lord said, ‘My grace is all you need. Only when you are weak can everything be done completely by my power.’” 2 Corinthians 12:9a
PRAYER: God, thank You for teaching me to rely on You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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