
on 2014年12月27日 星期六
聖經閱讀:提摩太前書4:7-10 現代中譯本|合和本

靈性上剛強  今天經文的第8節說:「身體的鍛鍊固然有些益處,靈性的鍛鍊在各方面對你都有益處,因為後者帶來今生和來生的盼望。」這裡保羅是在說,身體強壯固然重要,但是在靈性上剛強更為重要。
 我希望你會努力成為在靈性上剛強的人。 -GT
「至於那些不值一談的荒唐傳說都應該避免;要為敬虔的生活鍛鍊自己。」 提摩太前書4:7

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Spiritually Strong
Bible Reading: 1 Timothy 4:7-10
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Spiritually Strong  Verse 8 of our Bible Reading says, “Training your body helps you in some ways. But devotion to God helps you in every way. It brings you blessings in this life and in the future life, too.” Here Paul is saying that it is important to be physically strong, but it is even more important to be spiritually strong.
 If I want to be physically strong, I can do exercises like weight lifting, running or stretching. But what kind of exercises do I need to do to be spiritually strong? The first thing I can do is to read and study my Bible every day. Knowing more about God and His plan for my life helps me be spiritually strong.
 Praying every day will help me be spiritually strong, too. Talking with God strengthens my faith in His Word and His promises. I can also look for ways to do nice things for my family and friends. And I can even find ways to do nice things for my enemies, too.
 I hope you will work hard at becoming spiritually strong. —GT
“People tell silly stories that don't agree with God's truth. Don't follow what these stories teach. But teach yourself to be devoted to God.” 1 Timothy 4:7
PRAYER: God, I want to be spiritually strong and devoted to You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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