
on 2014年12月20日 星期六
聖經閱讀:路加福音2:1-7 現代中譯本|合和本

聖誕節的嬰孩  猶太人等待彌賽亞(上帝的兒子)來到世上。自從亞當和夏娃犯了罪以來,上帝就計劃差派祂的獨生子來作為我們完美的贖罪祭。
 這世界等待上帝兒子的到來已經好長一段時間,現在等待已經結束,耶穌的降生是要在長大成人後為你和我受死。請在這個聖誕季節裡敬拜祂。 -IMJ
「有一個兒子將賜給我們!他要來統治我們。他將被稱為:『奇妙的導師』,『全能的上帝』,『永恆的父親』,『和平的君王』。」 以賽亞書9:6b

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Christmas Baby
Bible Reading: Luke 2:1-7
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Christmas Baby  The Jewish people waited for the Messiah (God’s Son) to come to earth. From the time that Adam and Eve sinned, God planned to send His only Son to be the perfect sacrifice for our sins.
 Many verses from the Old Testament talk about Jesus being born. Jewish people looked forward to the time when God would send His Son to earth. The shepherds did not seem surprised to learn that God’s Son had been born (Luke 2:11). The wise men studied the stars and expected the King of the Jews to be born (Matthew 2:1-2).
 When it was time for Jesus to be born, Mary and Joseph were in Bethlehem. Mary gave birth to her baby and laid Him in an animal feeding box. Joseph and Mary obeyed God and named the baby Jesus.
 The world waited a long time for God’s Son. Now the waiting was over. Jesus was born to grow up and die for you and me. Worship Him this Christmas season. —IMJ
“God will give us a son who will be responsible for leading the people. His name will be ‘Wonderful Counselor, Powerful God, Father Who Lives Forever, Prince of Peace.’” Isaiah 9:6b
PRAYER: Father, thank You for Jesus. In His name. Amen.

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