
on 2014年10月19日 星期日
聖經閱讀:希伯來書9:11-14 現代中譯本|合和本

罪惡感  我是一個做錯事時會有罪惡感的人。如果對別人生氣,我也會有罪惡感,因為我原本不應該生氣。如果我打破東西,我會因著我的不留心而感到罪惡。
「因此,基督成為這新約的中間人,為要使上帝所呼召的人能夠領受他所應許永恆的福澤。」 希伯來書9:15a

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Bible Reading: Hebrews 9:11-14
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Guilt  I am someone who feels guilty when something goes wrong. If I get mad at someone, I feel guilty because I should not have been mad. If I break something, I feel guilty that I was not paying attention.
 What is the purpose of guilt? It is not so we will feel bad or miserable. The purpose of guilt is to bring us to God. Then He can forgive our sins. God doesn’t want us to focus on what a lousy person we are. Instead, God wants us to focus on the fact that He can forgive our sins.
 Our Bible verses today tell us about Jesus, who died to forgive our sins. “His blood will make us completely clean from the evil we have done. It will give us clear consciences so that we can worship the living God” (verse 14b).
 When we sin, God does not want us to keep thinking about our guilt. He wants us to turn to Him for forgiveness. Then our heart and thoughts will be free! —BL
“So Christ brings a new agreement from God to his people. He brings this agreement so that those who are chosen by God can have the blessings that last forever.” Hebrews 9:15a
PRAYER: Father, forgive my sins and cleanse me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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