箴言 (4)

on 2014年10月25日 星期六
箴言 (4)
聖經閱讀:箴言4:13-27 現代中譯本|合和本

箴言 (4)  現今很多人會提醒我們必須保護好自己的身體、不要生病。這個世界充滿了會傷害我們或使我們生病的東西,但是也有一些東西會在精神上、心靈上傷害我們。
 今天,要小心謹慎來保守你的身體、你的心思和你的意念。要跟隨上帝和祂的話語。 —KP
「所思所想要謹慎,因為生命是由思想定型的。對所計劃的事要有把握,你所做的就不至於差錯。」 箴言4:23, 26

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Proverbs (4)
Bible Reading: Proverbs 4:13-27
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Proverbs (4)  Many people today remind us that we need to protect ourselves from physical sicknesses. The world is full of things that can hurt us or make us sick. But there are also other things that can hurt us mentally and spiritually.
 If someone says something bad about us or hurts our feelings, we may become angry and want to hurt them back. When we refuse to forgive someone, our bad thoughts control our bodies. Then we may become depressed or get sick easily. We need to remember that we need to keep our hearts and minds clean, too.
 Following God and His Word will help us have healthy bodies, hearts and minds. Solomon's words today teach us to stay away from evil and close to God. “Don't take the path of the wicked; don't follow those who do evil. Stay away from that path; don't even go near it. Turn around and go another way” (verse 14-15).
 Be careful to guard your body, your heart and your mind today. Follow God and His Word. —KP
“Above all, be careful what you think because your thoughts control your life. Make sure you are going the right way, and nothing will make you fall.” Proverbs 4:23,26
PRAYER: Lord, I want to obey You and Your Word today. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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