希伯來書第10章 (4)

on 2014年10月12日 星期日
希伯來書第10章 (4)
聖經閱讀:希伯來書10:26-31 現代中譯本|合和本

希伯來書第10章 (4)  當我的兩個孩子還小的時候,我向他們解釋家規。如果他們不知道某一個規矩,我會跟他們說明而且不會處罰他們。但是,如果我的孩子知道規矩卻仍然不遵守,我就處罰他們。
 請不要轉身離開耶穌,要親近祂並遵行祂的話語。 —JK
「落在永生上帝的手裏是多麼可怕呀!」 希伯來書10:31

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Hebrews 10 (4)
Bible Reading: Hebrews 10: 26-31
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Hebrews 10 (4)  When my two children were young, I explained our family rules to them. If they did not know about a rule, I would tell them the rule and not punish them. But, if my children knew about the rule and still disobeyed, I punished them.
 When we become Christians, we learn about God’s rules in the Bible. We can’t say, “I don’t know what God wants me to do.” We can read the Bible and learn these rules. If we know these rules and still disobey them, God will punish us. God punished the Jews in the Old Testament when they disobeyed God’s Law. Our Bible Reading tells us that when a Christian turns away from Christ, he is not showing respect for the new agreement through Jesus’ death. “So think how much more punishment people deserve who show their hate for the Son of God — people who show they have no respect for the blood sacrifice that began the new agreement” (verse 29a).
 Do not turn away from Jesus. Stay close to Him and obey His Word. —JK
“It is a terrible thing to face punishment from the living God.” Hebrews 10:31
PRAYER: God, thank You for sending Jesus to die for me. In His name. Amen.

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