
on 2014年10月15日 星期三
聖經閱讀:猶大書1-25 現代中譯本|合和本

猶大書  今天我們要來看新約聖經中的另一本短書卷──猶大書,這是猶大寫給基督徒的一封告誡信。
 今天就向人分享耶穌的真理,並要確定你只跟隨愛上帝、服事上帝的人。 —SH*
「常常生活在上帝的愛裏,仰望我們的主耶穌基督憐憫你們,賜給你們永恆的生命。」 猶大書21

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Bible Reading: Jude 1-25
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Jude  Today we will look at another short New Testament book — the book of Jude. This is a letter of warning that Jude wrote to Christians.
 Jude loved the truth about Jesus, and he wanted to make sure that people knew that truth. But Jude saw people who were pretending to be Christians. Jude called these people “dirty spots among you” (verse 12). He described these people in verse 16a, “These people always complain and find wrong in others. They always do the evil things they want to do.”
 Jude’s letter is a warning about people like this who are in the church. “In the last times there will be people who laugh at God and do only what they want to do — things that are against God. These are the people who divide you. They are not spiritual, because they don’t have the Spirit” (verses 18b-19).
 Share the truth about Jesus with others today. And be sure that you only follow people who love and serve God. —SH*
“Keep yourselves safe in God’s love, as you wait for the Lord Jesus Christ in his mercy to give you eternal life.” Jude 21
PRAYER: Father, help me share the truth about Jesus with others today. In His name. Amen.

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