
on 2014年4月23日 星期三
聖經閱讀:啟示錄21:1-27 現代中譯本|合和本

天堂  今天的經文給了我們一個天堂像什麼樣子的精彩描述。關於天堂,我想有兩件事會讓人感到興趣:一、它看起來會是什麼樣子?以及二、那裡不會有什麼?
 天堂將會是一個超越我們想像、令人驚嘆地方!我期待永遠住在那裡,我希望你也是! -JTZ*
「上帝的家在人間了!他要和人住在一起,而他們要作他的子民。上帝要親自與他們同在,要作他們的上帝。」 啟示錄21:3b

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Bible Reading: Revelation 21:1-27
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Heaven  Our Bible Reading today gives us a wonderful description of what heaven will be like. There are two things that I think will be interesting about heaven: 1) What it will look like, and 2) What will not be there.
 What will heaven look like? Verse 11 tells us that it will be shining bright “like a very expensive jewel.” There will be 12 gates and the city is built on 12 foundation stones. These foundations stones will have expensive jewels in them. And the streets of the city will be pure gold!
 What will not be in heaven? There will be no death, sadness, crying or pain. There will be no temple or sun or moon in heaven. “The Lord All-Powerful and the Lamb were the city’s temple…the glory of God gave the city light” (verses 22b-23a). Also, verse 27b says “no one who does shameful things or tells lies” will be there.
 Heaven will be the most amazing place we could ever imagine! I am looking forward to living there forever. I hope you are, too! —JTZ*
“Now God’s home is with people. He will live with them. They will be his people. God himself will be with them and will be their God.” Revelation 21:3b
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for making a place where I can live forever with You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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