耶穌受審 (7)

on 2014年4月19日 星期六
耶穌受審 (7)
聖經閱讀:馬太福音27:11-26 現代中譯本|合和本

耶穌受審 (7)  希律將耶穌送回到彼拉多那裡,彼拉多並不想定耶穌是有罪的,所以他做了一些事,希望耶穌能被釋放。
 今天就花時間思想耶穌,以及祂為了使你可以永遠與祂同住所做的事。 -DF
「於是彼拉多釋放巴拉巴給他們,又命令把耶穌鞭打了,然後交給人去釘十字架。」 馬太福音27:26

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Jesus’ Trials (7)
Bible Reading: Matthew 27:11-26
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Jesus’ Trials (7)  Herod sent Jesus back to Pilate. Pilate did not want to say that Jesus was guilty. So he did something, hoping Jesus would be released.
 Every year at Passover time, it was a custom for the governor to release one prisoner. Pilate asked the Jews if he should free Jesus or Barabbas. Barabbas was “a man in prison who was known to be very bad” (verse 16b).
 The crowd shouted for Pilate to release Barabbas and crucify Jesus. Pilate was afraid there would be a riot, so he freed Barabbas. Then he told the soldiers to beat Jesus and hang Him on a cross.
 Pilate did not care about Jesus. He only cared about himself and his riches. There are many people in the world like that today. We should not care about money or possessions. We should focus our lives on Jesus and His wonderful gift of salvation.
 Take time today to think about Jesus and what He did so that you can live forever with Him. —DF
“Then Pilate set Barabbas free. And he told some soldiers to beat Jesus with whips. Then he handed him over to the soldiers to be killed on a cross.” Matthew 27:26
PRAYER: Lord, help me to always be faithful to Jesus. In His name. Amen.

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