
on 2013年12月12日 星期四
聖經閱讀:提摩太後書2:14-15 現代中譯本|合和本

熟悉聖經  每次的聖誕節,我都對許多基督徒不知道耶穌誕生的真實情形感到驚訝。如果我們想跟人分享耶穌降生到世上的故事,就必須確定我們知道的是正確的。
 經文的第15節提醒我們總是要「按著正意講解真理的話。」在這個聖誕季節裡,就花一些時間仔細閱讀馬太福音1:18-2:23和路加福音2:21裡面關於耶穌誕生的經節,並且查考聖經所說的事情,然後去跟每一個你遇到的人分享關於耶穌的真實信息! —JK
「你當竭力在 神面前作一個經得起考驗、無愧的工人。」 提摩太後書2:15a

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Know the Bible
Bible Reading: 2 Timothy 2:14-15
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Know the Bible  Every Christmas I am surprised at how many Christians do not know the facts about Jesus’ birth. If we want to share the story about Jesus coming to earth, we need to be sure that we are accurate.
 Many people talk about the three wise men who came to worship Jesus. Matthew 2:11 mentions that they gave gifts, but we don’t know how many wise men there were. There might have been two wise men or fifteen! The Bible does not tell us how many.
 Also, some people say that a star led the shepherds to find baby Jesus in Bethlehem. Matthew 2:2 says that the wise men followed a star. The shepherds did not follow a star. An angel told them where to find Jesus.
 Verse 15 of our Bible Reading reminds us to always apply “the true teaching in the right way.” Take time this Christmas season to carefully read through the Bible verses about Jesus’ birth in Matthew 1:18-2:23 and Luke 2:1-21 and study what the Bible says. Then share the true message about Jesus with everyone you meet! —JK
“Do your best to be the kind of person God will accept.” 2 Timothy 2:15a
PRAYER: Father, I am excited to tell others about Jesus this Christmas season. In His name. Amen.

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