誕生的故事 (6)

on 2015年12月17日 星期四
誕生的故事 (6)
聖經閱讀:希伯來書7:1-17 現代中譯本|合和本

今天就感謝上帝差遣耶穌來作我們的祭司,並成為我們罪的祭物。 -GT

「上主發誓,絕不改變心意:你要依照麥基洗德一系,永遠作祭司。」 詩篇110:4

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Birth Story (6)
Bible Reading: Hebrews 7:1-17
Thursday, December 17, 2015

In Bible times, Jewish priests made sacrifices to God for His people. These sacrifices needed to be offered again and again.
Did you know that on that first Christmas, a priest was born? Verse 17 of our Bible Reading today tells us that Jesus is a priest. This verse also compares Jesus to Melchizedek.
We learn about Melchizedek from Genesis 14:18-20. Melchizedek accepted offerings from Abraham hundreds of years before Jesus was born. Jesus and Melchizedek were not like any other priests. God used both of them at a special time to do a special job.
Jesus is both our priest and our sacrifice. God sent Jesus to earth to be a priest and to offer Himself as the perfect sacrifice for our sins. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we can have our sins forgiven and enjoy life with Him forever.
Thank God today for sending Jesus to be our priest and the sacrifice for our sins. —GT

“The Lord has made a promise with an oath and will not change his mind: You are a priest forever — the kind of priest Melchizedek was.” Psalm 110:4
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus, our priest forever. In His name. Amen.

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