預言 (5)

on 2015年12月1日 星期二
預言 (5)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳1:6-11 現代中譯本|合和本

預言 (5)  在過去幾天的靈修文章中,我們讀到了許多聖誕的預言,每一個預言都應驗了。
 舊約聖經中的這些預言告訴我們會有一位童貞女生出上帝的兒子耶穌,祂將會降生在伯利恆並住在埃及,還會有許多母親為她們的兒子哀悼。因為這些預言都是真的,我們可以相信上帝是真的,並相信祂會成就所應許的事。從今天讀的經文我們可以知道耶穌有一天會再回來,就讓我們因著唯一真神心懷感恩,並預備好自己迎接祂兒子的再來。 —CPE*
「加利利人哪,為甚麼站在這裡望著天空呢?這位離開你們、被接升天的耶穌,你們看見他怎樣升天,他也要怎樣回來。」 使徒行傳1:11b

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Prophecies (5)
Bible Reading: Acts 1:6-11
Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Prophecies (5)  For the past few devotions, we have read about Christmas prophecies. Each one of them was fulfilled.
 There are no prophecies that give details about the birth of other religious leaders. No prophecies told the world about the coming of Muhammed (Islam), Joseph Smith (Mormonism) or Siddhartha Bautama (Buddhism) or any other person who founded a religion. But the Old Testament gives us details about Jesus hundreds of years before He came to earth.
 These Old Testament prophecies taught us that a virgin would give birth to God’s Son, Jesus would be born in Bethlehem and live in Egypt, and that mothers would mourn for their sons. Because these prophecies are true, we can believe in God and trust what He says He will do. We learn from our Bible verses today that Jesus will return someday. Be thankful for the one true God and be ready for His Son to come again. —CPE*
“Men from Galilee, why are you standing here looking into the sky? You saw Jesus carried away from you into heaven. He will come back in the same way you saw him go.” Acts 1:11b
PRAYER: God, I look forward to Jesus’ second coming. In His name. Amen.

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