
on 2014年2月15日 星期六
聖經閱讀:馬太福音24:36-44 現代中譯本|合和本

為耶穌再來作好準備  有一次我去參觀自由女神像,當我在那裡的時候,我拍了一張紐約市建築物的照片。兩個星期之後,恐怖分子就襲擊了世界貿易中心。當我拍照的時候,雙子星大樓仍然穩固矗立著,但是等到我把照片洗出來時,它們就已經不見了。
 你要確定為耶穌的再來作好準備,要讀經、禱告並遵從祂的命令,這樣,耶穌再來時,你才能準備好。 -NM
「要記住這一點:一家的主人要是知道小偷晚上甚麼時候要來,他一定會警醒,不讓小偷破門而入。所以,你們也應該隨時準備好,因為人子要在你們料想不到的時間忽然來臨。」 馬太福音24:43-44

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Be Ready for Jesus
Bible Reading: Matthew 24:36-44
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Be Ready for Jesus  Once I visited the Statue of Liberty. While I was there, I took a picture of the buildings in New York City. Two weeks later, terrorists hit the World Trade Center. When I took the picture, the twin towers were standing strong. But by the time I developed the picture, the towers were gone.
 The people who were working in the World Trade Center that day were doing their work as usual. Maybe that morning they said good-bye to their family. They never dreamed that would be the last time they would see each other on earth.
 In our Bible verses, Jesus is talking about the time He will come and take His followers to live with Him forever. He said, “So always be ready. You don’t know the day your Lord will come” (verse 42a).
 Make sure that you are ready for Jesus to return. Read the Bible, pray and obey His commands. Then you will be ready for Jesus. —NM
“What would a homeowner do if he knew when a thief was coming? You know he would be ready and not let the thief break in. So you also must be ready. The Son of Man will come at a time when you don’t expect him.” Matthew 24:43-44
PRAYER: God, I want to be ready when Jesus comes again. In His name. Amen.

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