![]() 這些方法真的能讓我們快樂和滿足嗎?不!只有上帝能真正讓我們快樂和滿足。 詩篇第84篇的作者談到了上帝和祂的祝福,他說,是上帝和祂奇妙的祝福使我們快樂和滿足。第一節中,作者稱上帝為「全能的主」,也說到,倚靠上帝和祂的力量的人是有福的。「他給我們恩惠、光榮」(第11節),信靠祂的人是有福的,「祂從不留下一樣美好的事物不賜給行為正直的人。」(第11節) 今天就撥出時間來讚美上帝,為祂的大有能力讚美祂,為祂的祝福讚美祂,並且繼續倚靠祂、信任祂。—CPE* 「上主─萬軍的統帥啊,我多麼愛慕你的居所!我多麼渴慕上主的殿宇!我用整個身心向永生的上帝歡呼歌唱。」詩篇84:1-2 禱告:上帝,我讚美祢,祢是全能的神。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (SSL譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Only God Satisfies
Bible Reading: Psalm 84:1-12
Saturday, September 1, 2012
![]() Do any of those things make us truly happy and satisfied? No! Only God can make us truly happy and content. The writer of Psalm 84 talks about God and His blessings. God and His wonderful blessings make us happy and content. In verse 1, the writer calls God the “Lord, All-Powerful.” The writer also says there are blessings for people who depend on God and His strength. “God blesses us with kindness and glory” (verse 11b). And there are blessings for those who trust Him. “The Lord gives every good thing to people who follow and obey Him” (verse 11b). Take time today to praise God. Praise Him for being powerful. Praise Him for His blessings. Continue to depend on Him and trust Him. —CPE* “Lord All-Powerful, your temple is really lovely. Lord, I can’t wait to enter your temple. I’m so excited!” Psalm 84:1-2 PRAYER: God, I praise You. You are All-Powerful! In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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