![]() 今天的經文描述了同樣的問題,第3節告訴我們:「不要倚靠世上的首領;不要信賴必朽的人,他救不了你們。」第4節則告訴我們,為什麼人救不了我們?因為「他們一死便歸塵土;他們的策劃當天便成泡影。」 沒有人是完美的,我們都會犯錯。我們給人的幫助只是暫時的,只有上帝會一直照著祂所說的去做。我們可以永遠倚靠上帝,讓祂來照顧我們。今天,你就要倚靠祂!—JKS 今日金句: 「那得到雅各的上帝幫助的多麼有福啊!那投靠上主─他的上帝的人多麼有福啊!上帝創造天、地、海,和其中萬物;他始終持守他的諾言。」詩篇146:5-6 禱告:上帝,我讚美祢。我感謝祢每天照顧我;我知道,我可以永遠倚靠祢。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (SDL譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Depend on God
Bible Reading: Psalm 146:1-10
Wednesday September 19, 2012
![]() Our Bible Reading today describes this same problem. Verse 3 tells us, “Don’t depend on your leaders for help. Don’t trust people. Why? Because people can’t save you.” Verse 4 tells us why people cannot save us. “People die and are buried. And then, all of their plans to help are gone.” No one is perfect. We all make mistakes. Our help is only temporary. Only God will always do what He says. We can depend on God to take care of us for eternity. Depend on Him today! —JKS “But people who ask God for help are very happy. Those people depend on the Lord their God. The Lord made heaven and earth. The Lord made the sea and everything in it. The Lord will protect them forever.” Psalm 146:5-6 PRAYER: God, I praise You. I thank You that You take care of me every day. I know I can always depend on You. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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