世界上有些人不相信耶穌也不跟隨祂。也許你認識一些這樣的人,他們做邪惡的事,讓事業成功,並且擁有一切想要的東西;他們很自豪,不用為生存奮鬥,他們似乎擁有輕鬆如意的人生。 詩篇第73篇的作者一定了解這個情形。他看到邪惡的人功成名就,而這些人有著健康的身體,卻不用像他那樣拚命。這位作者承認,他「幾乎跌跤(犯罪),我的腳險些滑倒」(第2節)。 如同這詩篇的作者,我們需要小心,當我們看著那些不跟隨上帝的人時,他們的成功可能會引誘我們去犯罪,就像他們所做的一樣;你千萬不要讓這件事發生在你身上。這位作者在第27節裡提出警告:「那些離棄你的人必然死亡;所有不忠於你的人,你要消滅。」 你要倚靠上帝與祂的話語堅定站立,持守對祂的信心。—CPE* 今日金句: 「除你之外,在天上我還有誰呢?既有了你,在地上我還要誰呢?我的身心會衰敗;但上帝是我的力量,永遠是我所需要的一切。」詩篇73:25-26 禱告:親愛的上帝,我願持守對祢的信心。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (SDL譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Stand Firm in God
Bible Reading: Psalm 73:1-28
Friday, September 28, 2012
There are people in the world who do not believe and follow Jesus. Maybe you know some of these people. They are involved in doing evil things. They are successful and have everything they want. They are proud. They don’t struggle to survive. It seems they have an easy life. The writer of Psalm 73 certainly understood this. He saw wicked people who were successful. These people were healthy and didn’t have to struggle like he did. The writer admitted that he “almost slipped and began to sin” (verse 2). Like the writer of this psalm, we need to be careful. When we look at other people who do not follow God, we may be tempted to sin like they do. Don’t let that happen to you. The writer warns in verse 27, “God, people who leave you will be lost. You will destroy the people who are not faithful to you.” Stand firm in God and His word. Remain faithful to Him. —CPE* “God, I have you in heaven. And when I am with you, what on earth can I want? Maybe my mind and body will be destroyed, but I have the Rock I love. I have God forever!” Psalm 73:25-26 PRAYER: Dear God, I want to remain faithful to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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