![]() 大部份人都知道,當死去的時候,他們並不能帶走任何金錢或財產,但是,他們依然長時間工作而忽視了家人。這是為什麼呢?因為這樣才可以賺更多錢,才可以買更多東西,但是到最後,這些人經常毁了他們的家庭,也過得不快樂。 在今天的經文中,作者說,如果我們的生命不以上帝為中心,那麼,我們所做的每一件事都只是在浪費時間。作者同時也提醒我們,孩子是上帝賜下的禮物,是我們應該要疼愛的禮物。 我們每個人都需要工作來滿足需求,但是,不要讓工作和金錢來捆綁你,要記住什麼才是人生中真正重要的事!—JKS 今日金句: 「早起晚睡,為生活整天勞碌是枉然,因為上主賜安眠給他所愛的人。」 詩篇127:2 禱告:主,請幫助我定睛於祢。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (EHI譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Waste of Time
Bible Reading: Psalm 127:1-5
Monday, September 24, 2012
![]() Most people realize that they can’t take their money and possessions with them when they die. But they still work long hours and ignore their family. Why? So they can make even more money and buy more things. In the end, these people usually destroy their families and are very unhappy. In our Bible Reading today, the writer says that if we do not make God the center of our lives, then everything we do is a waste of time. The writer also reminds us that children are a gift from God that we should enjoy. We all need to work to take care of our needs. But don’t let work and money control you. Remember what is really important in life! —JKS “It is a waste of time to get up early and stay up late, trying to make a living. God cares for the people he loves, even while they are sleeping.” Psalm 127:2 PRAYER: Lord, help me to keep focused on You! In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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