![]() 我是一名手語翻譯者,我做手語翻譯來服事上帝;我使用雙手幫助聽障者能在敬拜中分享。在翻譯之前,我都向上帝禱告,求上帝使用我的雙手,讓信息可以清楚、正確地被傳達。每次,當我舉起雙手打手語時,我就將雙手交給上帝,我知道,上帝是仁慈的,祂會幫助我做好翻譯的工作。 今天經文的第17節說:「主─我們的上帝啊,求你賜福給我們!求你使我們一切的工作順利;求你使我們所做的一切成功。」這詩篇是摩西寫的,在這段經文中,摩西祈求上帝祝福以色列人用雙手所做的各樣工作。 你會用雙手做什麼呢?也許是在電腦上打字,也許是蓋房子,也許是抱小孩。當你使用雙手來服事上帝的時候,你要祈求上帝祝福你。 —SAH 今日金句: 「上主啊…求祢憐恤祢的僕人。每日清晨,求祢使我們飽享祢的慈愛,使我們一生充滿歡欣喜樂。」 詩篇90:13-14 禱告:上帝,祝福我今日所做的工。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (CNY譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
My Hands
Bible Reading: Psalm 90:12-17
Saturday, September 29, 2012
![]() I serve God as a sign language interpreter. I use my hands so deaf people can share in a worship experience. Before I interpret, I pray God will use my hands to communicate clearly and accurately. Every time I raise my hands to sign, I surrender them to God. I know that God will be kind and help me interpret well. Verse 17 of our Bible Reading says, “May the things we make with our hands establish us, and may He [God] establish the things we make with our hands.” This psalm was written by Moses. In this verse he asked God to bless the things that the Israelites did with their hands. What do you do with your hands? Maybe you type on a computer, build a house or hold a baby. Ask God to bless you as you use your hands to serve Him. —SAH “Lord...be kind to your servants. Fill us with your love every morning. Let us be happy and enjoy our lives.” Psalm 90:13-14 PRAYER: God, bless the things I do today. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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