![]() 在今天的經文裡,大衛分享了一個非常誠實的禱告。第一節中,大衛說:「求你垂聽我的哀求,垂聽我誠心的禱告!」大衛向上帝分享各樣的事情:他求上帝施仁慈並拯救那些倚靠祂的人;大衛求上帝保護他,並把他從仇敵的手中救出來;他也求上帝供應食物給那些跟隨祂的人。 當你禱告的時候,要對上帝誠實。你正在憂慮什麼事情?你正面臨什麼樣的挑戰?你正在跟什麼樣的困難奮戰?你正需要什麼? 今天就跟上帝分享你的憂慮和挑戰,也分享你的困難和需要。上帝聽大衛誠實的禱告,上帝也會聽你誠實的禱告。—CPE* 今日金句: 「上帝啊,我求告你,因為你總應答我;求你側耳垂聽我的申訴。求你顯示奇妙的慈愛來拯救我;倚傍著你,我就能躲避仇敵。」詩篇17:6-7 禱告:上帝,謝謝祢聽我誠實的禱告。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (SSL譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Honest Prayers
Bible Reading: Psalm 17:1-15
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
![]() In our Bible Reading, David shared a very honest prayer with God. In verse 1b David said, “I am being honest in the things I say. So, please listen to my prayer.” David shared different things with God. He asked God to be kind and to rescue those who depend on him. David asked God to protect him and save him from his enemies. He also asked God to give food to those people who follow Him. When you pray, be honest with God. What are your concerns? What are your challenges? What are your struggles? What are your needs? Take time today to share your concerns, challenges, struggles and needs with God. God listened to David’s honest prayer. God will listen to your honest prayer, too. —CPE* “Every time I called to you, God, you answered me. So listen to me now. God, you help people who trust you — those people stand by your right side. So listen to this prayer from one of your followers.” Psalm 17:6-7 PRAYER: God, thank You for listening to my honest prayers. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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