
on 2012年9月2日 星期日

傷人的話語/手語 也許你曾經說過、或用手語表達過關於別人一些不是事實或是惡意的話。今天經文第19節和21節告訴我們,上帝會懲罰那些出言不遜的人,祂說:「你的嘴巴隨時說壞話;你的舌頭到處撒謊。我要譴責你,讓你看清楚這些事。」

「不可作假證陷害人。」 出埃及記20:16



Words/Signs that Hurt
Bible Reading: Psalm 50:19-21
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Words/Signs that Hurt Maybe you have said or signed something untrue or unkind about another person. Verses 19 and 21b of today’s Bible Reading tell us that God will punish people who say/sign unkind things. “You people say bad things and tell lies. Well, I won’t be quiet any longer! I will make it very clear to you, and I will criticize you to your face!”
Lies and gossip can cause a lot of damage to a person. They can destroy a person’s reputation. Lies and gossip can also ruin friendships and marriages. They can cause problems that may never go away.
In Leviticus 19:16a, God said, “You must not go around spreading false stories against other people.” And in 1 Corinthians 4:13a, we learn what to do when someone says something false or unkind about us. “People say bad things about us, but we say good things to them.”
I hope that you will stop and think carefully before you say or sign something bad about another person. God will bless you for treating other people with kindness, honesty and respect. —GT

“You must not tell lies about other people.” Exodus 20:16

PRAYER: Father, help me to not say/sign false or unkind things about other people. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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