![]() 謊話和謠言對人的傷害非常大,會破壞一個人的名聲,也會毀掉友誼和婚姻。謊話和謠言所造成的問題是無法消除的。 利未記19:16中上帝說:「不可到處搬弄是非」。從歌林多前書4:13a我們學到,當別人說了一些關於我們的謊話或惡意的話時,我們該怎麼做?就是「被侮辱,我們就用好話回答。」 當你要用話語或手語說別人的壞話前,我希望你能停下來好好的想一下。當你以仁慈、誠實和尊重對待別人時,上帝就會祝福你。—GT 「不可作假證陷害人。」 出埃及記20:16 禱告:天父,幫助我不要用話語或手語說出關於別人的謊話或惡意的話。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (SSL譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Words/Signs that Hurt
Bible Reading: Psalm 50:19-21
Sunday, September 2, 2012
![]() Lies and gossip can cause a lot of damage to a person. They can destroy a person’s reputation. Lies and gossip can also ruin friendships and marriages. They can cause problems that may never go away. In Leviticus 19:16a, God said, “You must not go around spreading false stories against other people.” And in 1 Corinthians 4:13a, we learn what to do when someone says something false or unkind about us. “People say bad things about us, but we say good things to them.” I hope that you will stop and think carefully before you say or sign something bad about another person. God will bless you for treating other people with kindness, honesty and respect. —GT “You must not tell lies about other people.” Exodus 20:16 PRAYER: Father, help me to not say/sign false or unkind things about other people. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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