![]() 詩篇第90篇的作者是摩西,在詩中,他談到人生是多麼地短暫。在第12節,他說:「求你教我們數算我們的年日,好使我們心有智慧。」當我的先生快過世時,我記得曾向上帝請求讓思德能從昏迷中清醒過來──只求短短幾分鐘,好讓我們能再次一起說話。 思德的死讓我知道生命是很寶貴的,我們要好好利用活在世上的時間,跟家人與朋友共度美好的時光。我們並不知道什麼時候我們會死去,所以,務必記得利用每一分、每一秒來服事上帝。 今天,你要好好想一想自己的生命。你要感謝上帝賜給你生命,你要把握時間跟你的家人說說話,或者在便條紙上給你的朋友留一些話,或者去幫助那些窮困的人。生命真是既寶貴又短暫,為著上帝的緣故,你要有智慧地運用你的時間。—BH 今日金句: 「每日清晨,求你使我們飽享你的慈愛,使我們一生充滿歡欣喜樂。求你讓你的僕人看見你大能的作為,讓我們的子孫看見你榮耀的威力。」詩篇90:14,16 禱告:上帝,我要珍惜每一天祢賜給我的特別時刻。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (EHI譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Life is Precious
Bible Reading: Psalm 90:1-17
Friday September 21, 2012
![]() Psalm 90 was written by Moses. This psalm talks about how short life is. Verse 12 says, “Teach us how short our lives really are, so we can become really wise.” I realized this when my husband was dying. I remember asking God to allow Sid to wake up from his coma — just for a few minutes so we could talk together. Sid’s death taught me that life is very precious. We need to use our time here on earth to enjoy our family members and friends. We do not know when we will die. So we should remember to use every minute to serve God. Think about your life today. Thank God for giving you life. Talk with your family, write a note to a friend or help someone in need. Life is precious and short. Use your time wisely for God. —BH “Fill us with your love every morning. Let us be happy and enjoy our lives. Let your servants see the wonderful things you can do for them. And let their children see your glory.” Psalm 90:14,16 PRAYER: God, I want to treasure the special moments you give me every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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