![]() 上帝不想要我們放棄,祂要我們持續地順服、服事,不斷地幫助、分享,並且為祂作見證。上帝從來沒有向我們保證生活是容易的,但是,祂的確應許我們祂會與我們同在,並且給我們力量。 在今天的經文中,作者遇到了許多艱難的時刻,但是他沒有放棄。他知道,他無法獨自擊敗敵人,所以他倚靠上帝,讓上帝來幫助他。在第10節裡,作者說:「許多仇敵圍困著我;但我倚靠上主的能力消滅了他們。他們從四面包圍我;但我倚靠上主的能力消滅了他們。」 也許你今天正在面對困難,我希望你能像這詩篇的作者一樣信靠上帝。記得,上帝會永遠信守祂的應許,並且與你同在。 —GT 今日金句: 「上主是我的力量,我的詩歌;他拯救了我。」詩篇118:14 禱告:上帝,我要永遠信靠祢。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (SDL譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Don’t Give Up!
Bible Reading: Psalm 118:5-21
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
![]() God doesn’t want us to quit. He wants us to keep obeying, serving, helping, sharing and witnessing for Him. God never promised us that life would be easy. But He did promise that He would be with us and strengthen us. In our Bible Reading today, the writer faced many difficult times. But he didn’t quit. He knew that he couldn’t defeat his enemies alone, so he trusted God to help him. In verse 10 the writer said, “Many enemies surrounded me. But with the Lord’s power I defeated my enemies. Enemies surrounded me again and again. I defeated them with the Lord’s power.” Maybe you are facing problems today. I hope you will be like the writer of this psalm and trust God. Remember that God will always keep His promises and be with you. —GT “The Lord is my strength and victory song! The Lord saves me!” Psalm 118:14 PRAYER: God, I want to always trust You. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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