
on 2012年9月25日 星期二

不要放棄! 有時候,我們會覺得沮喪並且想要放棄。也許你正在找工作,但就是找不到;也許你生病了,但是醫生卻找不出原因;也許你為某些人禱告,希望他們能信主,但是他們卻仍然拒絕耶穌。
 也許你今天正在面對困難,我希望你能像這詩篇的作者一樣信靠上帝。記得,上帝會永遠信守祂的應許,並且與你同在。 —GT




Don’t Give Up!
Bible Reading: Psalm 118:5-21
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Don’t Give Up! Sometimes we become discouraged and feel like giving up. Maybe you are looking for a job, but you can’t find one. Or maybe you are sick and the doctors don’t know why. Or maybe you have prayed that someone will accept Jesus, and they continue to reject Him.
 God doesn’t want us to quit. He wants us to keep obeying, serving, helping, sharing and witnessing for Him. God never promised us that life would be easy. But He did promise that He would be with us and strengthen us.
 In our Bible Reading today, the writer faced many difficult times. But he didn’t quit. He knew that he couldn’t defeat his enemies alone, so he trusted God to help him. In verse 10 the writer said, “Many enemies surrounded me. But with the Lord’s power I defeated my enemies. Enemies surrounded me again and again. I defeated them with the Lord’s power.”
 Maybe you are facing problems today. I hope you will be like the writer of this psalm and trust God. Remember that God will always keep His promises and be with you. —GT

“The Lord is my strength and victory song! The Lord saves me!” Psalm 118:14

PRAYER: God, I want to always trust You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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