![]() 也許有很多人看過這些展示品,但他們並不相信這些都是上帝的創造。然而,詩篇第148篇告訴我們,這一切都是上帝所創造的。第8-10節說:「火與冰雹,雪和霧氣,遵行命令的大風啊,要從地上頌讚上主。大山小山哪,果樹、森林哪,野獸牲畜啊,昆蟲飛禽哪,你們都要頌讚祂。」 每一天,我們都可以在四周看到上帝的創造。當我的家人和我離開博物館後,我們一同讚美並且感謝上帝創造了這一切奇妙的事物。今天,你要花一些時間來讚美及感謝上帝! —DJH* 今日金句: 「天上的諸天啊,要頌讚祂;天上的眾水啊,要頌讚祂。願萬象都頌讚上主的名!祂一命令,一切就造成。」 詩篇148:4-5 禱告:上帝,祢是大有能力的,我們要稱頌祢的名。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (CNY譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Praise His Name
Bible Reading: Psalm 148:1-14
Sunday September 23, 2012
![]() Probably many people who saw the exhibits don’t believe that God made those things. But Psalm 148 tells us that God made all those things. Verses 8-10 say, “God made the fire and hail, the snow and smoke, and all the stormy winds. God made the mountains and hills, the fruit trees and cedar trees. God made all the wild animals and cattle, the reptiles and birds.” Every day we can see things around us that God made. When my family and I left the museum, we praised and thanked God for all the wonderful things He made. Take time to praise and thank God today! —DJH* “Praise the Lord in the highest heaven! Waters above the sky, praise him! Praise the Lord’s name. Why? Because God gave the command, and we were all created!” Psalm 148:4-5 PRAYER: God, You are so powerful. We praise Your name. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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