
on 2012年9月23日 星期日

讚美主名 我住在美國的威斯康辛州,我的兒子則住在德州。最近,我兒子和孫子來探望我,我帶他們去參觀密爾瓦基市的一間博物館。在那裡,我們看到了許多的展示品,它們展示了上帝的創造。我們看到了微小的螞蟻、身形巨大的鯨魚,以及其他的動物;我們認識了太陽系,也認識了湖泊、河流、高山,以及草原。
 每一天,我們都可以在四周看到上帝的創造。當我的家人和我離開博物館後,我們一同讚美並且感謝上帝創造了這一切奇妙的事物。今天,你要花一些時間來讚美及感謝上帝! —DJH*

「天上的諸天啊,要頌讚祂;天上的眾水啊,要頌讚祂。願萬象都頌讚上主的名!祂一命令,一切就造成。」 詩篇148:4-5



Praise His Name
Bible Reading: Psalm 148:1-14
Sunday September 23, 2012

Praise His Name I live in the state of Wisconsin. My son lives in Texas. Recently my son and grandson came to visit me. We took them to a museum in Milwaukee. There we saw many exhibits that showed God’s creation. We saw tiny ants, huge whales and other animals. We learned about the solar system and about lakes, rivers, mountains and prairies.
 Probably many people who saw the exhibits don’t believe that God made those things. But Psalm 148 tells us that God made all those things. Verses 8-10 say, “God made the fire and hail, the snow and smoke, and all the stormy winds. God made the mountains and hills, the fruit trees and cedar trees. God made all the wild animals and cattle, the reptiles and birds.”
 Every day we can see things around us that God made. When my family and I left the museum, we praised and thanked God for all the wonderful things He made. Take time to praise and thank God today! —DJH*

“Praise the Lord in the highest heaven! Waters above the sky, praise him! Praise the Lord’s name. Why? Because God gave the command, and we were all created!” Psalm 148:4-5

PRAYER: God, You are so powerful. We praise Your name. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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