世界上有很多的比賽,有比賽看誰跑得最快、看誰跳得最高,或是把東西丟得最遠。每一年,人們投票選出最漂亮或是最英俊的電影明星。也有可愛嬰兒的比賽,或是比賽看誰家小孩最多才多藝。在美國,甚至有比賽看誰可以吃下最多的熱狗! 如果我問你:「誰是最有能力的?」你能說出一位政治家,或是一位有名的富人的名字嗎?以斯拉人以探寫下了詩篇第89篇,他是如此地回答這個問題:「主上帝─萬軍的統帥啊,你的大能誰能相比?上主啊,你在一切事上都信實。」(第8節) 上帝的確是宇宙中最有能力的,祂是如此地偉大,但祂仍然祝福我們,並且幫助我們為祂而活。因著祂令人敬畏的大能,我們要讚美祂!—SAH 今日金句: 「你的膀臂多麼有力!你的力量多麼強大!你的國是以正義公道為根基;你所做的一切都是信實慈愛。」詩篇89:13-14 禱告:天父,因著祢的全能與慈愛,我感謝祢。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (SDL譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
God Helps Me (8)
Bible Reading: Psalm 89:1-14
Sunday September 16, 2012
There are many competitions in the world. There are races to see who can run the fastest, jump the highest or throw an object the farthest. Each year people vote on which movie star is the prettiest or handsome. There are cute baby contests and contests to see whose child has the most talent. There is even a contest in the United States to see who can eat the most hotdogs! Suppose I ask you, “Who is the most powerful?” Would you name a politician or someone who is rich and famous? Ethan the Ezrahite wrote Psalm 89. Here’s how he answered that question. “Lord God All-Powerful, there is no one like you. We can trust you completely” (verse 8). God truly is the most powerful in all the universe. He is so great, but He still blesses us and helps us live for Him. Praise God for His awesome power! —SAH “God, you have the power! Your power is great! The victory is yours! Your kingdom is built on truth and justice. Love and faithfulness are servants before your throne.” Psalm 89:13-14 PRAYER: Father, thank You for being all powerful and loving. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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