![]() 前幾天,我的長孫在寫功課的時候,他的母親要求他坐好、不要亂動,結果他怎麼做呢?他站了起來,然後在房間裡亂走!另外一個孫子被要求不可以去碰別人的東西,結果他怎麼反應呢?他就偏偏去碰! 上帝是我在天上的父親,祂告訴我什麼事情應該做、什麼事情不應該做──就好像我的孫子被他們的父母親告誡一樣。舉個例子來說,上帝告訴我要多關心別人,結果我怎麼做呢?我總是自私地只想到自己。 當我們違背了上帝,我們就要為此負起全部的責任。經文的第19節告訴我們,上帝幫助了我們,祂把我們從悖逆的懲罰中拯救出來。而上帝是如何拯救我們的呢?祂藉著耶穌死在十字架上來拯救我們。 今天,因著祂賜下奇妙救恩的禮物,你要感謝上帝! —SAH 今日金句: 「我們的上帝是拯救的上帝;他是上主,是救我們脫離死亡的主。」詩篇68:20 禱告:上帝,感謝祢賜下耶穌。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (CNY譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
God Helps Me (6)
Bible Reading: Psalm 68:19-21
Friday September 14, 2012
![]() Just the other day, my oldest grandson’s mother told him to sit still while he was doing his homework. What did he do? He stood up and walked around the room! The other grandson was told not to touch something because it didn’t belong to him. What did he do? He touched it anyway! God is my heavenly Father. He tells me things that I should do or not do — just like my grandsons were told by their parents. For example, God tells me to think about other people. What do I do? I am selfish and think about myself. We are all responsible for the times that we have disobeyed God. Verse 19b of our Bible Reading tells us that God helps us by saving us from the punishment for our disobedience. How does God save us? He saves us through Jesus’ death on the cross. Thank God for His wonderful gift of salvation today! —SAH “He is our God. He is the God that saves us. The Lord our God saves us from death.” Psalm 68:20 PRAYER: God, thank You for Jesus. In His name. Amen. |
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