![]() 有一次,我那初長成的女兒想要自己決定事情,但是她本身有一些問題,而且有點悖逆。每當她獨自外出時,我總是感到緊張不安,害怕她做出錯誤的決定而受到傷害。 在那一段日子裡,我禱告:「上帝啊,祢是愛她的,求祢拯救她,並使她保持完整、不受到傷害。」我知道,唯一可以幫助我女兒並使她平安的是上帝。 上帝幫助了我的女兒,現在她會做更有智慧的決定;我的女兒選擇研讀聖經,並且和成熟的基督徒做朋友。上帝聽見了我的呼求,就像祂聽見了這詩篇作者的呼求一樣。 上帝今天要幫助你,你要回轉向祂,祂會安慰你並使你得著力量。 —CC 今日金句: 「上帝在我們這邊,我們必勝;他一定會打敗我們的仇敵。」 詩篇60:12 禱告:天父,祢是如此奇妙可畏,感謝祢應允我的禱告。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (CNY譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
God Rescues
Bible Reading: Psalm 60:1-12
Thursday, September 6, 2012
![]() At one time, my young adult daughter wanted to make her own decisions. But she had some problems, and she was rebellious. I was always nervous when she went out alone. I was afraid that she would make wrong choices and be hurt. During those times, I prayed, “God, you love her. Please rescue her and make her whole.” I knew that God was the only One who could help my daughter and keep her safe. God has helped my daughter. She makes wiser decisions now. My daughter has chosen to study the Bible and be friends with mature Christians. God heard my cries, just like he heard the cries of the person who wrote this psalm. God will help you today. Turn to Him for comfort and strength. —CC “Only God can make us strong. Only God can defeat our enemies.” Psalm 60:12 PRAYER: Father, You are so awesome and wonderful. Thank You for answering my prayers. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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