![]() 如果你用鐵鎚敲碎一塊石頭,大概不會有人在意,因為石頭沒什麼價值。但是,如果你殺了一隻動物,你可能就要被罰錢了,因為動物比石頭有價值。但是,如果你殺了人,你要受的懲罰就更大了,為什麼呢?因為人比動物更有價值。 當我們犯罪時,我們就傷害了上帝;當我們傷害上帝時,我們將受到什麼懲罰?上帝是宇宙中一切的最高價值,犯罪而傷害上帝要受的懲罰是大到我們付不起的。就是因為這樣,耶穌才死在十字架上──祂為我們的罪受罰。 今天的經文談到上帝的拯救,上帝藉著耶穌賜下救恩來拯救我們。當上帝拯救我們時,我們應該要讚美祂必且歡喜快樂!—BL 今日金句: 「我軟弱無助,但主啊,你仍然顧念我。你是我的幫助,我的拯救者;我的上帝啊,求你快來幫助我!」詩篇40:17 禱告:上帝,謝謝祢差派耶穌來承擔我的懲罰。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (SSL譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Bible Reading: Psalm 40:13-17
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
![]() If you take a hammer and smash a rock, probably no one would care. A rock has little value. But if you kill an animal, you will probably pay a fine because an animal has more value than a rock. But if you killed another human, your punishment would even be greater. Why? Because a person has more value than an animal. When we sin, we hurt God. What is our punishment when we hurt God? God has the most value of all things in the universe. Our punishment for sin is so much that we can’t pay it. That’s why Jesus came to die on the cross. He accepted the punishment for our sins. Our Bible verses today talk about being rescued by God. God rescues us when He offers us salvation through Jesus. When God saves us, we should praise Him and be happy and rejoice! —BL “Master, I am only a poor, helpless man. Help me. Save me. My God, don’t be too late!” Psalm 40:17 PRAYER: God, thank You for sending Jesus to accept my punishment. In His name. Amen. |
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