![]() 在詩篇第25篇中,作者就好像是一個學生,他想要向宇宙中最棒的老師──上帝來學習,所以作者請求上帝教導他如何生活,並請求上帝帶領他。作者知道,他可以將上帝看作是引導者,每天都倚靠祂;他也請求上帝原諒他的過犯並且愛他。在第8節的經文裡,作者說:「上主至善、公義;他指示罪人該走的路。」 你每天都有讀聖經嗎?你有向上帝禱告,並且專心聆聽祂的回應嗎?你有遵守上帝的命令嗎?如果有,那麼上帝就是你的老師。 如果讀經和禱告不是你生活中固定的一部份,那麼就從今天開始,讓上帝成為你的老師。上帝是美好的、公平的,祂也是仁慈的、真實的上帝(8-10節) —SAH 今日金句: 「我把你的話存在心裏,免得我得罪你。求你把你的法則教導我。我要高聲傳述你所立的一切法則。」 詩篇119:11-13 禱告:天父,我想要更加認識祢。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (CNY譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
God Helps Me (3)
Bible Reading: Psalm 25:4-10
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
![]() In Psalm 25, the writer was like a student. He wanted to learn from God, the best Teacher of all! So the writer asked God to teach him about life and to lead him. The writer knew that he could depend on God to be his guide every day. He asked God to forget his mistakes and to love him. In verse 8, the writer said, “The Lord is truly good. He teaches sinners the right way to live.” Are you studying the Bible every day? Are you praying to God and paying attention to His answers? Are you obeying God’s commands? If you are, then God is your Teacher. If Bible study and prayer are not a regular part of your life, then start today by allowing God to teach you. He is good, fair, kind and true (verses 8-10). —SAH “I study your teachings very carefully. Why? So I will not sin against you...Teach me your laws. I will talk about all your wise decisions.” Psalm 119:11-13 PRAYER: Father, I want to learn more about You. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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