![]() 在今天的經文中,大衛想起了曾經發生在他身上的一些不好的事情。大衛做錯了事,而且上帝懲罰他(第3節);大衛的心充滿了罪惡感,這個罪惡感讓他好像生了一場可怕的病。 大衛說他「沉沒在罪的洪流中」(第4節),他做了「愚昧」的事(第5節),並且為自己的罪感到「憂傷」(第18節)。 在這詩篇裡,大衛承認自己的過犯,並且祈求上帝幫助他──這也是我們應該要做的事。當我們犯了罪,就應當向上帝承認我們的過犯,然後請求上帝寬恕我們。最後,我們應該求上帝幫助我們不要再犯同樣的錯。 今天,你要向上帝承認你的罪,祂會寬恕你,並且安慰你。—ECW 今日金句: 「上主啊,求你不要撇下我;我的上帝啊,求你不要遠離我。主─我的拯救者啊,求你快來幫助我!」詩篇38:21-22 禱告:上帝,感謝祢赦免了我的罪。奉耶穌的名,阿們! (CNY譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
God Forgives
Bible Reading: Psalm 38:1-22
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
![]() In our Bible Reading today, David remembered something bad that happened to him. David did something wrong, and God punished him (verse 3). David was filled with guilt, and his guilt was like a terrible sickness. avid said that he was “guilty of doing bad things” (verse 4), that he “did a foolish thing” (verse 5) and that he was “sad about” his sins (verse 18). In this psalm, David admitted his sin and asked God to help him. That is what we should do. When we sin, we should tell God that we have done something wrong. Then we should ask God to forgive us. Finally, we should ask God to help us not do that wrong thing again. Confess your sins to God today. He will forgive and comfort you. —ECW “Lord, don’t leave me! My God, stay close to me! Quickly come and help me! My God, save me!” Psalm 38:21-22 PRAYER: God, thank You for forgiving my sins. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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